Symphony AI

Fullstack Labs

October 2023 - May 2024

AI for financial crime prevention

Symphony Sensa as part of the SymphonyAI company, is a set of services that use AI to detect and prevent financial crimes.

Among those services, I worked in the management dashboard and displaying of graphical data using D3, the Regraph library among others.

I mainly worked on the Regraph library to D3 Migration, where we wanted to create a component that displays through a graph, the users, transactions and relationships between these transactions in a Force-Directed Graph with balanced nodes.

Also, as a Senior front-end developer, I worked on other tasks including, developing new features with colaboration of the API team, fixing bugs, suggesting improvements throughout the app.

My responsibilities were:

  • Migrate Regraph library to a D3 component
  • Implement features using TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Apollo
  • Participate in code review processes for multiple teams
  • Create unit tests and integration tests using React Testing Library
  • Attend refinement meetings, daily standups, demo meetings
  • Propose new features and modification/elimination of existing ones
